Coal Mining Risk Assessments identify site specific coal mining risks to developments and set out the proposed mitigation strategy to show that the site can be made safe and stable for the proposed development. A wide range of information sources are used, including a combination of purchased coal authority reports, historical maps, geological and borehole data and previous intrusive investigation reports to form a detailed risk assessment with interpretive elements. Each of the risk assessments are reported by a suitably qualified and competent member of our team.

Should the report find a significant risk is posed on the development, recommendations are made for further actions, whether this be intrusive ground works or design considerations.

For all new development proposals within a Development High Risk Area, except householder developments, a Coal Mining Risk Assessment is required to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority to support your planning application.

Our Coal Mining Risk Assessments (CMRA) follow the template set out by the Coal Authority.
Our Coal Mining Risk Assessments contain the following site specific information:

  • Recorded and possible shallow mine workings
  • Mine entry data including location of shafts and tunnels
  • Mine gas including methane and carbon dioxide
  • Historic opencast mining
  • Potential for future mining
  • Recorded surface hazards related to coal mining