COMAH, from an environmental point of view, requires operators to demonstrate that they have taken all measures necessary to prevent or mitigate the impact of Major Accidents To The Environment (MATTE).

Environmental Risk Assessments (ERA) for COMAH sites should now be carried out using the CDOIF guidance. The COMAH Competent Authority considers the CDOIF (Chemical and Downstream Oil Industries Forum) guidance document ‘Environmental Risk Tolerability for COMAH Establishments’ to be a benchmark standard and expects that COMAH sites consider the CDOIF guidance when carrying out or reviewing their ERAs

The Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) regulations 2015 are aimed at preventing and mitigating the effects from major accidents involving dangerous substances to people and the environment. The regulations mainly apply to the chemical processing industry, but also to some storage activities, explosives and onshore oil and gas installations, depending on the characteristics and quantities of dangerous substances being stored or used.

The COMAH regulations require all sites to complete a MATTE assessment. Top Tier COMAH sites must demonstrate that any risks are reduced to a satisfactory level within a Safety Report submission to the Competent Authority (HSE, EA, SEPA, NRW), whilst Lower Tier COMAH sites must have the risk assessments available for inspection. It is a legal requirement that Safety Reports at Top Tier COMAH sites are reviewed every five years, or within that time period if significant changes are made to the site or where reclassification of substances has been undertaken.

EnviroSolution can undertake MATTE assessments for both Top and Lower Tier COMAH sites in line with the CDOIF guidance. We work with our clients and their processes, ensuring that we are able to advise on options available to the operator and the implications of those decisions. We understand the requirements of the Competent Authority and their relevance to our Client’s situations and needs. We provide a clear audit trail allowing operators and duty holders to easily demonstrate that they have followed the CDOIF ERA guidelines for MATTE assessments.

Our highly experienced in-house Environmental Consultants have a broad range of Environmental Industry and Enforcement backgrounds which enables us to provide a cost and time efficient, transparent and consistent approach.

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